One woman's ale journey

A beery boozy journey with delightful snacks along the way and a book in my hand.

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Mordue Workie Ticket

I do like a local brew!  This is a lovely dark amber colour and you just know this is going to have your tongue doing the tango.

As you'd expect from the dark colour and the creamy head, this has a strong hoppy flavour.  Although it has a strong bitter flavour, this doesn't leave any hint of nasty aftertaste in the mouth.

The head lasts right to the last drop, good old Nothern ale!  Well named Workie Ticket, this makes me think of men coming out of the pit and rewarding themselves with a hard earned pint in a working men's club.

Workie Ticket - not just for working men!

Interesting fact: Workie Ticket is Geordie for someone pushing their luck, causing trouble and being a bit mischievous.

Brewed by Mordue Brewery, Tyne & Wear
4.5% ABV

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