This is a beautiful dark and fruity porter from Scottish brewers, Bellfield. It's very dark, almost black, and it has a small, loose and rapidly vanishing tan head.
It has a mouthwatering aroma of roasted malt, treacle, chocolate and coffee with a hint of juicy red fruit. It tastes as good as it smells too; it's sweet and fruity with notes of chocolate, treacle and caramel with an unusual and interesting coffee and tangy berry finish.
With low but firm carbonation and a full body, it has a smooth but tingly mouthfeel that made it really pleasant to drink.
It's a lovely fruity porter with a delicious sweetness that reminded me of candied fruit. I have a sweet tooth so I really liked it and Ale Be Seeing You again.
Brewed by Bellfield Brewery, Edinburgh
4% ABV
My rating: