This was a very lively beer and if I didn't know better, I would have thought that the can had been shaken before opening. It took a couple of pours to get it out of the can and leave some of the more chunky bits of sediment behind.
It has a hazy, deep yellow body with a huge, frothy off-white head that lasts and laces. It has the most amazing smell of mango and it smells like a tropical fruit cocktail with a hint of citrus and another helping of mango for good measure.
The taste is a bit disappointing after such a strong and fruity aroma. It's very lightly flavoured with notes of mango and a dash of citrus. It's like a very watered down beery version of a tropical fruit punch.
With such a lively exit from the can, I expected harsh and abundant carbonation but it's surprisingly softly carbonated with a thin, but not watery, body.
It's a very refreshing IPA and a lovely sunny day kind of beer. It's a lot lighter in flavour than I would normally expect from Tiny Rebel but it tastes like it says on the can. Ale not Be Seeing You again but it's well worth trying if it's brewed again.
Brewed by Tiny Rebel Brewing, Newport, Wales
4.5% ABV
My rating: