One woman's ale journey

A beery boozy journey with delightful snacks along the way and a book in my hand.

Monday, 30 May 2022

Hexhamshire Whapweasel

Whapweasel is such a great name that the beer has a lot to live up to but thankfully it does deliver.

It's a light amber/dark golden beer with a small, loose, rapidly vanishing cream coloured head.  A few foam patches remain but it quickly has a flat appearance, which is a shame.

It has a lipsmacking aroma of sweet caramel, malt, and sticky toffee pudding and the taste is similarly mouthwatering.  Sweet caramel and malt combine with tangy hops to give an almost trappist taste and the slight bitter finish lingers on the tongue.  The body is medium and carbonation is decent with softish bubbles that caress the tongue.

This is a delicious bitter that's as memorable as its name and Ale Be Seeing You again!

Brewed by Hexhamshire Brewery, Northumberland
4.8% ABV

My rating:

My Untappd score: 4/5

Monday, 23 May 2022

Buxton Brewery Buxton Blonde

Buxton Blonde is a deep golden yellow ale with a frothy, reasonably tight off-white coloured head that dissipates to leave a nice layer of foam.  Aroma is biscuit, caramel and yellow fruit.  It's not a strong aroma but it is pleasant.

Malt, caramel, honey and hops dominate the flavour with a slight bitter citrus finish that isn't pithy at all.  It's thin bodied but not watery and has good carbonation that's fizzy enough without being harsh.

Incredibly refreshing and easy to drink, i's a lovely biscuity blonde ale with a bitter finish.  It's not currently brewed by Buxton but if it was, Ale Be Seeing You as it's a lovely summery ale.

Brewed by Buxton Brewery, Buxton, Derbyshire
4.6% ABV

My rating:

My Untappd score: 3.5/5

Monday, 16 May 2022

Wychwood Diceman

Wychwood is a brewery that rarely disappoints and Diceman is no exception.  

It's a jet black stout with a thick, tight, beige head that is surprisingly robust.  The aroma is a little uninspiring; malt and treacle on a strong metallic base, however, the ale redeems itself in the taste test.  It is a lovely stout with notes of treacle, malt, dark fruit, and liquorice followed by a hint of chocolate to give a bittersweet chocolate finish.

It has a medium body and it's well carbonated with hard but not harsh bubbles that somehow manage to give a silky smooth mouthfeel.

Diceman is like a liquorice toffee in a glass and I loved it.  It's just a shame it lost a few points in the aroma as it deserves a higher score than 3.75/5.  It's the taste that counts so Ale Be Seeing You again!

Brewed by Wychwood Brewery, Witney, Oxfordshire
5% ABV

My rating:

My Untappd score: 3.75/5

Monday, 9 May 2022

Staggeringly Good Post Imperial Porter

A maple syrup and vanilla porter?  YES PLEASE!

I had my eye on this on Instagram when I saw it being brewed and ordered one as soon as it was canned.  I was not disappointed.

It's a very dark brown ale with a small, loose, rapidly vanishing tan head that leaves a patchy foam.  It smells SO boozy, which isn't a surprise as it has an ABV of 10%.  The aroma is mouthwatering with notes of malt, treacle, chocolate, maple syrup, liquorice and vanilla.  There's so much going on, it's like you smell something different with every sniff.

Full marks for flavour!  Wow, this is impressive.  It's a dark and decadent brew with treacle toffee, maple syrup pancakes, malt loaf and liquorice all having a party in my mouth.  Mouthfeel is perfect with low but firm carbonation, and a full body that looks slightly syrupy as it clings to the glass but doesn't feel sticky on the tongue.

This is a very special beer.  It's one to savour and take your time with as I didn't want it to finish.  It is everything a dark ale should be with treacle and maple sweetness balanced with burnt roastiness.  I was impressed that the high ABV didn't leave a strong alcohol taste in the mouth, simply a warming bourbon finish.

Very highly recommended and one Ale Be Seeing You again!

Brewed by Staggeringly Good Brewery, Portsmouth
10% ABV

My rating:

My Untappd score: 4.75/5

Monday, 2 May 2022

Seven Bro7hers Throw Away IPA

Seven Bro7hers have found a unique way to upcycle less than perfect cereal - make beer with it!  What a brilliant idea!  Cornflakes rejected by Kellogg's have found its way into Throw Away IPA.  

Throw Away IPA is a hazy orange-hued golden ale with a loose, frothy off-white head that disappears to leave a patchy layer.  Although quite lightly fragranced, it smells of sweet, juicy fruit on an underlying base of hops.

Much like the aroma, the flavour is very very weak and there's not much taste to it at all.  It tasted like a very watery squash to me with a slight bitterness in the aftertaste.  A slight buttery corn flavour develops after a while but an overall weak flavour coupled with a thin, watery body completed the whole disappointing experience.

Although it's a great idea, there's just nothing much to it at all.  It's not a drain pour by any means, it's just like lightly flavoured sparkling water.  It's not for me so Ale not Be Seeing You again.

Brewed by Seven Bro7hers Brewery, Manchester
5% ABV

My rating:

My Untappd score: 2.75/5