One woman's ale journey

A beery boozy journey with delightful snacks along the way and a book in my hand.

Monday, 27 February 2023

To ØI Nocturnal Stout

I am very impressed with this pastry stout brewed exclusively for Beer52 by Danish microbrewery To ØI.  It ticks all the boxes for me: it's dark, sweet and malty.

It's a very dark brown stout with a small, loose beige head that disperses to a thin layer.  As soon as you open the can, the smell is mouthwatering - it's like a warm pain au chocolat with notes of chocolate, flaky pastry, sweet candy, malt and a similar tang of hops that you get in a trappist ale.  

The taste is a sweet toothed person's dream: it's malty and sweet and I was in sweetie heaven with a tasty combination of chocolate, pastry and treacle toffee.  It's a full bodied stout that's lightly carbonated to give a beautifully smooth mouthfeel.

I absolutely loved this Nocturnal Stout.  It's sweet, tasty, malty and smooth: everything I want to experience in a pastry stout.  Without a doubt, Ale Be Seeing You again.

Brewed by To ØI Brewery, Denmark
5% ABV

My rating:

My Untappd score: 4.5/5

Monday, 20 February 2023

Fierce Beer May Contain Brambles

I ordered a clearance pack of near dated/out of date beer from Beer52 and I was really impressed with this fruity porter from Aberdeen brewers, Fierce Beer.  It was a month out of date but it tasted AMAZING and I was delighted that I had three of them in my pack.

It pours a dark brown with a decent beige coloured head that disperses to leave a thin layer.  I poured carefully in case there was any sediment in the can from the fruit, but there was none.

As soon as you open the can, there is an amazing aroma of juicy blackberries on a malt and chocolate base and I couldn't wait to dive in for my first sip.  I was not disappointed at all.  

It's incredibly fruity and perfectly balanced between sweet and tart.  The rich fruit flavour is followed by a hint of roasted malt and the bramble flavour returns to leave a delicious fruity finish.  It has a thin to medium body and the perfect level of carbonation that's neither too fizzy nor too flat.

This is a really unusual porter and I would never have thought that the tartness of blackberries would work in a beer but it really does.  It's a full flavoured porter that gets extra credit for being exactly what it says on the can.  I loved it and Ale Be Seeing You again.
Brewed by Fierce Beer, Aberdeen, Scotland 
5% ABV

My rating:

My Untappd score: 4.5/5

Monday, 13 February 2023

Trzech Kumpli NESTA

NESTA is the first Polish-brewed stout I have tried and I am very impressed.

It pours a velvet black colour with a tiny head that I had to encourage during the pour.  There is a lot of sediment left in the can but none of it came out in the pour.  I note from Trzech Kumpli's website that this beer should be poured with a complete inversion of the can to create a creamy head, rather than gently down the side of the glass like I did.

I was immediately hit with the delicious aroma of chocolate, malt and treacle.  It's a lovely stouty smell but I didn't really get any hint of fruit, despite it claiming to be a (Tropical) Foreign Extra Stout.

The taste is very impressive; it's deliciously roasty and malty, just what you would expect in a stout.  Notes of chocolate, malt and coffee combine to create a delicious roasted and slightly sweet flavour, with a lingering sweet treacle aftertaste.  I love the balance leaning slightly towards sweet rather than bitter.  

It is lightly carbonated with nitrogen rather than the more usual carbon dioxide which, together with its full body, creates a silky smooth mouthfeel.  

I really liked NESTA and I was just a little disappointed that I didn't detect any fruitiness but I absolutely loved the sweetness of the chocolate, malt and treacle flavours.   It's an absolute pleasure to drink and Ale Be Seeing You again!

Brewed by Trzech Kumpli (Three Buddies), Poland
6% ABV

My rating:

My Untappd score: 4/5

Monday, 6 February 2023

Vocation Life & Death

I love the can design of this IPA from West Yorkshire brewers, Vocation, but let's see if it's as good inside as out.

It's a beautiful deep golden ale with a frothy, loose, off-white head.  It's unfiltered so there is a little bit of sediment in the can, but I managed to leave most of it behind and just had a slight haze to my beer.

The aroma is amazing - it is SO fruity.  It's a delicious aroma of juicy tropical fruits with notes of pineapple and mango on a citrus base of grapefruit and lemon.  The taste is more subtle than the smell but it's like a sweet and juicy fruit salad of sweet tropical fruits and zingy citrus, blended with a deliciously smooth maltiness.  It reminds me of fruit salad sweets but with added bitterness.

It has a thin body and it's well carbonated with tingly bubbles that kept my tongue fizzing for ages.

With the flavour being more sweet tropical than bitter citrus, I rather liked it.  It's very well balanced and refreshing; I would be more than happy to drink this in the summer.  Ale Be Seeing You again!

Brewed by Vocation Brewery, Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire
6.5% ABV

My rating:

My Untappd score: 3.75/5