When I poured Belhaven's Scottish Ale I hoped that it tasted as good as it looked and I'm delighted to say that it far exceeded my expectations. It's such a beautiful chestnut brown colour, slightly hazy, with a thick frothy beige coloured head.
It has such a mouthwatering aroma of sweet malt and nutty biscuits with both flavours being replicated in the taste, along with notes of caramel and buttered bread. The creamy buttery nutty taste melts on the tongue and is followed by a slightly quirky bitter aftertaste that I can only describe as licking stamps, which I rather strangely enjoy. It's a full bodied ale with a decent amount of carbonation to give a little tongue tickle with each mouthful.
I really wasn't expecting to enjoy this as much as I did and there's only one negative thing I about it: it was only in a 330ml bottle and like Oliver Twist, I wanted more! It's a good quality ale that scores near to top marks on my palate. I love a strong malty flavour so this hits the spot for me and Ale Be Seeing You Again!
Brewed by Belhaven, Dunbar, Scotland
5.2% ABV
My rating:
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