Pot Kettle Black is a South Pacific Porter from New Zealand brewery, Yeastie Boys. It's a lovely dark beer, almost black but for a slight brown hue with a thick and frothy beige head that lasts well.
The light aroma is predominantly treacle and malt but there's a slight hint of citrus that makes it quite interesting. The taste is quite smoky and oaky with an added sweetness like burnt toffee. It has a citrus bitter aftertaste to balance out the sweetness and a medium body with carbonation that's so soft it's like fairies dancing across your tongue.
It's a very nice beer but doesn't feel like a porter; I liked it though. I thought the smokiness would have put me off but it gave it a lovely roasted taste. It actually reminded me a bit of Fernet Branca; it's so weird but you can't help having another sip. Oddly pleasant, I felt like I had to brush my teeth after it but I'd certainly have another one. Ale Be Seeing You!
Brewed by Yeastie Boys Brewery, New Zealand
6% ABVMy rating: