A bright golden yellow, slightly hazy session pale ale, My Generation is a collaborative brew between Black Sheep and My Generation Beer Co. As we have come to expect from Black Sheep, it has an amazing thick tight frothy head that leaves excellent lacing.
The aroma is very fruity with underlying hoppiness and a little malt. It's definitely a citrus fragrance but seems a little sweeter more like pineapple. The hops gives it a slightly sour aroma too.
The taste of tangy hops and citrus blended with sweet malt give a lovely fresh, bitter finish. The bitterness is slightly metallic at first but transforms to more palatable citrus as you drink. Although you can see bubbles, which maintain the head beautifully, it is quite softly carbonated and medium bodied.
With just the right level of citrus for me, this is an easy drinking pale ale and I'd have one again; it's a lovely refreshing beer to drink during the day in Spring/Summer. Yet again, award winning brewers Black Sheep can do no wrong in my eyes. Ale Be Seeing You again!
Brewed by Black Sheep Brewery, Masham, North Yorkshire
4.7% ABV
My rating: