Speak Easy is an American pale ale from Devon brewers, Powerkeg. It pours a beautiful deep golden colour with an orange hue and a small but tight cream coloured head that started forming the second the lid was popped. The head is very robust and leaves some nice lacing on the glass.
It smells very citrusy with an underlying aroma of sweet malt and tangy hops. Surprisingly, the flavour isn't predominantly citrus; the dry-hopping gives it a dry and fresh hoppy taste with slight caramel sweetness and there's just a hint of citrus in the dry bitter finish.
Very refreshing, medium bodied and not too fizzy, this is a lovely afternoon beverage and Ale Be Seeing You again!
Brewed by Powderkeg Brewery, Devon
4.3% ABV
My rating:
My Untappd score: 3.75/5
4.3% ABV
My rating: