One woman's ale journey

A beery boozy journey with delightful snacks along the way and a book in my hand.

Sunday 13 December 2020

Wychwood Brewdolph

Looking more like a traditional beer than a Christmas beer, Wychwood's Brewdolph is a deep golden colour with a huge frothy off-white head.  The head is quite robust, lasting for a while before dispersing to a patchy foam and leaving some lacing on the glass.

The aroma is distinctly hoppy with a hint of caramel and some sweet fruit; it's quite a basic, traditional aroma and it doesn't remind me at all of Christmas.  To tick the Christmas box, there is supposed to be an aroma of pine but I couldn't detect any at all.

On to the taste which is very hoppy with notes of caramel, biscuit and perhaps a tiny hint of citrus fruit.  It has a lovely dry finish as well as a slight citrus bitterness in the aftertaste but it's very thin bodied, to the point of being almost watery.  There's absolutely nothing in the taste that can be described as Christmassy.

Brewdolph falls short as a Christmas ale, but it's a real thirst quencher with a lovely dry finish so would do better rebranded as an everyday beer.  Not one Ale Be Seeing again, unless it is brought out under a different guise.

Brewed by Wychwood Brewery, Oxfordshire
4% ABV

My rating:

My Untappd score: 3.5/5

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