One woman's ale journey

A beery boozy journey with delightful snacks along the way and a book in my hand.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Hardknott Infra Red

Now that is one fine looking beer!  Unsurprisingly from the name, Infra Red is a deep ruby red beer with a frothy beige head that almost attempted to spill over the glass and left such tremendous lacing that I had to get the Brillo pad out.  It gives off the most amazing orange and toffee aroma with a slight hint of something floral and fragrant.

I changed my mind so quickly about this beer as the initial burst of sweet burnt toffee and yummy malt changed to a very harsh bitter aftertaste.  It certainly gave my tastebuds a wake up call and my tongue felt like it had been stabbed by a million bubbles carrying daggers dripping in grapefruit pith.

I really wanted to love this one but it wasn't really for me; I just felt it was a little too harsh as you often get with stronger alcohol content beers.  It gets full marks for looks but not so much for taste, so unfortunately not one Ale Be Seeing Again but if you like citrus bitter tasting beers, you will love this one!

Brewed by Hardknott, Cumbria
6.2% ABV

My rating:

Find out more at Hardknott

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