I'd wanted to try La Chouffe for quite some time as I couldn't resist the cute elf on the label so I added one to my BeerWulf order. There are quite a few Chouffe beers to collect, each with the own individual named elf on the label, but La Chouffe Blonde (with Marcel the elf on the label) seems to be a good one to start with.
This stunning blonde ale pours a delicious golden colour with a frothy and tight off-white head. It's well carbonated as evidenced by the abundance of bubbles rushing to the surface to maintain the head, which leaves excellent lacing on the glass.
What a mouthwatering aroma it has. It has the most amazing smell of fruit such as pineapple, banana, mango and citrus along with an underlying aroma of hops and a hint of spiciness. The flavour is equally amazing and surprisingly complex with notes of straw, biscuit, caramel and hops as well as floral and spicy hints followed by a slightly bitter citrus finish. I was so impressed that there wasn't even a hint of raw alcohol in the taste despite it's relatively high ABV of 8%. It's absolutely delicious!
This award winning, full bodied, strong blonde ale is definitely a top Belgian beer and it's one I'd consider a staple in my beer stash. Ale Be Seeing You again, La Chouffe.
8% ABV
My rating:
My Untappd score: 4.5/5
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