I admit I didn't really expect much from this as it was only 99p but as the season of goodwill is approaching I thought it time to sample Snowman's Revenge. It's a lovely dark amber colour but pours with only a little head. It may have been my imagination, but I think this smells of Christmas cake, particularly mixed spice and brandy.
It has quite a weird taste that I can only describe as slightly sludgy and thin. It has almost a dark chocolate bitter slightly spicy aftertaste. I suppose it is like Christmas pudding, you either like it or you don't.
The head disappears quite quickly and the ale looks quite flat, although it does have a bit of fizz on the tongue. I didn't dislike it, but unfortunately Ale not be seeing it again.
Brewed by Wentworth Brewery, Rotherham
4.1% ABV
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